Olymtech Technology Development Co., Ltd

Oil spray out from the intake valve cause analysis and prevention measures

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Cause analysis:

Oil injection screw air compressor spray out lubrication oil from the intake valve and pollute the air filter mostly occurs when air compressor stops suddenly. For example when air compressor motor loses power or users press the emergency button. At this time, the air compressor stops suddenly and the air release valve is not opened in time to discharge the remaining compressed air in the air compressor oil tank. If the air intake check valve is not closed in time, lubricating oil will spray outward from the air compressor inlet.

air filter


When oil spray occurs in a screw air compressor , the method of handling first check whether the oil cut-off solenoid valve is faulty. If it is normal, further check whether the release valve of the intake valve. If there is a fault, it should be eliminated. At present, double screw air compressors are generally no longer equipped with oil cut-off solenoid valves, so the main reason for oil spray is the release valve not closed tightly.

Second, please check the oil level, whether the oil level is too high, if too much oil will also lead to oil spray out from intake valve.

In addition, if it is not an emergency, do not press the emergency stop button when stop the air compressor, should press the OFF button on the controller to shut down the air compressor in daily operation.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Olymtech compressor.
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